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Pawlympics of Kindness Kicks Off

February 9, 2018 marked the start of the Winter Olympics in South Korea as well as the Pawlympics at Pierce School.  The ceremony began with the torch being passed through the classes by  the classroom teachers and carried by Mrs. Syre-Hager to the multipurpose room.  Each classroom brought a colored ring to the multipurpose room to bind together to make our Pawlympic rings.  Kindergarten chose yellow, first grade chose blue, second grade chose black, third grade chose red, and fourth grade chose green.  Binding these rings together represents the whole school coming together to take part in this special 2 week event.  Mrs. Syre-Hager lit the cauldron.  We have special Pawlympic bear paws to mark this special event and a running score will be kept on Mrs. D’s bulletin board for the classes to compete in.  At the kick off, kindergarten discussed what color each class would have, second grade discussed Kindness as it ties into the Olympics, and fourth grade discussed some of their favorite winter sports.  We look forward to earning Pawlympic paws and going for the gold!